People's Church Arnold Podcast
Get caught up on all the latest messages at People's Church in Arnold, MO.
173 episodes
Farewell to Good Friends (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
As you think back, there are probably some good friends over the years with whom you have had some memorable shared experiences. God places special people in your life during different stages. It was that way with Paul because Tychicus w...
Spiritual Weapons Part 4 (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Paul has prescribed the essential spiritual armor and weapons to fight this spiritual battle. Every New Testament writer talks about the spiritual warfare. We do well to heed their warning and prepare ourselves in the manner Paul instruc...
Spiritual Weapons Part 1 (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Spiritual battles are being fought all over this earth. The Apostle Paul introduces us to his perspective on spiritual warfare.Scripture Text: Ephesians 6:13-14
A Spiritual View (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Today in our world most people believe the Devil is an imaginary character. There is no widespread belief in a supernatural powerful being that is against all that is good. Shockingly, many Christians are influenced by this kind of thinking eve...
Attitudes at Work (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
The biblical view of work is very positive. Work is where we earn a living and express our skills and talents. We take satisfaction from having done a good job. We do our work as unto the Lord. We may work for a company, but as Christians, we k...
Kids and Parents (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Despite what our world tells us today having children is a blessing that will bring wonderful dividends.Scripture Text: Ephesians 6:1-4
The Power of the Spirit (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Paul talks to us about our time. He exhorts us to be good stewards of our time and see that we spend it wisely not foolishly wasting it away.Scripture Text: Ephesians 5:15-21
You Are the Light (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Because we are light, we have a huge responsibility in the world. How are we who have been transferred from darkness to light to live? Scripture Text: Ephesians 5:8-14
Pursuing Purity (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Christianity has by far the most exalted sexual ethics of any religion. The New Testament charges us to pursue purity. How were the Ephesians supposed to navigate in such a sinful city that had complete acceptance of sexual perversion? Today th...
Instructions for Living (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Often times we think the work of the Spirit is to empower us to exercise one of the nine gifts that Paul mentions so that we will be a witness for Christ. We would not be wrong to think this is all. However, the work of the Spirit is much m...
Changing Clothes (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
The Apostle Paul talks to the Ephesians about their clothes, but not the ones on their bodies, but the ones on their souls. In this passage Paul tells us what we need to put off and what to put on. It is the wardrobe of the redeemed.
Growing the Church (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
In a day when the church grows from anything to featuring celebrities to sports personalities to jumping on the latest trend, whether biblical or not, church growth can mean many different things. Paul however, in his letter to the E...
Live a Life Worthy of Christ (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
When the Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Ephesians he was in a Roman prison. He does not call himself a prisoner of Rome or Caesar but of the Lord. Even though he is in prison, he attributes his present circumstances to the Lord. Remarkabl...
A Prayer for the Ephesians - Pastor Boyd Brooks
The letter to the Ephesians is an explanation of what the Gospel is and, if believed, what it does in our lives. How it changes us in every way. This epistle also describes the church's role on this earth and our commitment to it. Script...
The Mystery of Christ (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
To us today the word mystery conjures up the idea of something unsolved. That is what we think of in regards to a mystery, but, in New Testament Greek the work musrerion means something which is beyond natural knowledge, but has be...
Jesus, The Chief Cornerstone (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
Scripture Text: Ephesians 2:19-22
Such Amazing Knowledge (Psalm 139) - Gustavo Rizzo
Guest speaker, Gustavo Rizzo, from Argentina. Due to some sensitive content, part of the message has been edited out. Scripture Text: Psalm 139
Rising to the Challenge (Exodus) - Pastor Ryan Brooks
If we're like Moses and afraid of the task ahead of us, or we're not sure what God is calling us to do, we need to ask ourselves and some important questions.1. What's my beginning? (Exodus 1:16-17, Exodus 1:20-22, Exodus 2:1-3, ...
God's Plan (Genesis) - Pastor Ryan Brooks
How many times have we chased after our own plan only to be disappointed and disheartened? Often we look back and realize that God knew better all along. When the door of opportunity closes, it's important that we don't give up and look for the...
The Ultimate Test (Genesis) - Pastor Ryan Brooks
In the "School of Faith" we must have test from time to time, or we will never know where we are spiritually. Here are five things to consider when it comes to test in this life.1. Expect Test from God (Genesis 22:1-2)2. Focus on...
Grace (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
When the Apostle Paul wrote his epistle to the Ephesians, he gave us the most succinct definition of salvation in the Bible. This is the Gospel in a nutshell, a clear explanation of what it is and what it is not.Scripture Text: Ephesians...
Made Alive in Christ (Ephesians) - Pastor Boyd Brooks
In Ephesians 2, Paul gives us such a contrast when he describes one place so low and another so high. He takes us down to lowest depths of the soul (vv. 1-3) and then up to "the heavenly realms (vv. 4-7). He contrast death to life, and Hell to ...